Louisiana Requires Leave for Genetic Testing and Cancer Screening

A new law has been created to go into effect at the beginning of August 1, 2023, in Louisiana. The new law states that most employers with 20 or more employees are required to provide one day of unpaid leave to employees for medically necessary genetic testing and preventative cancer screening. Employees must be allowed to use any accrued paid time off, such as vacation time, during their leave. Organizations such as educational institutions, nonprofits, and religious groups are exempt.

Employee Notice and Documentation

In order to not disrupt business operations, employers can require that employees provide a minimum of 15 days’ notice of their need for leave. It is the employee’s responsibility to schedule their leave in a reasonable manner. Employers can also request documentation confirming that the testing or screening was completed, but not the test results.

Employer’s Notice

The state has been placed in charge of creating a sample notice for businesses that has yet to be published. Once issued, employers need to post the notice about these rights in a visible location at work such as break rooms or the kitchen.

 As you prepare for the Louisiana Workforce Commission’s notice to be released, Delta Administrative Services can ensure your company has updated its employee handbook to include the new genetic testing and preventive cancer screening leave policy.

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