22Dec 23

Employment Regulations to be Aware of in 2024

As we approach the new year, it's crucial to stay informed about the latest developments in employment regulations (and they are plentiful) that may impact your business. Here's a nice concise overview of key compliance updates you should be aware for the start of 2024:  DOL Fines Surge to a Decade High: The US Department of Labor (DOL) assessed a record-breaking $26 million in fines against employers in 2023, marking the highest in a decade. Despite a lower number of…

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19Dec 23

The 12 Tips of Christmas Safety

On the first day of Christmas, Delta gave to me…12 Tips of Safety!~ As the festive season rounds the corner, the air is filled with joy and excitement as we prepare to celebrate holidays with our loved ones. Amidst the hustle and bustle of decorations, cooking, and festivities, it's crucial to prioritize safety to ensure a season filled with warmth and happiness. This holiday safety list serves as a guide to help you create a secure and accident-free environment during…

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03Oct 23

Delta Administrative Services & Gotcha Covered HR Strategic Partnership

Delta Administrative Services and Gotcha Covered HR are excited to announce a strategic partnership that will offer businesses of all sizes a complete range of HR solutions, while also providing cost-effective and efficient ways to outsource their HR needs. About Delta Administrative Services: A minority and woman-owned business born and bred in the heart of Louisiana, Delta Administrative Services is a leading provider of HR solutions, catering to small and mid-size businesses. The company offers a wide range of services, including HR compliance,…

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31Jul 23

OSHA Issues Heat Hazard Alert

OSHA has issued a heat hazard alert to remind employers of their obligation to protect workers against heat illness or injury in outdoor and indoor workplaces. The department has made an announcement that OSHA will be stepping up its enforcement measures in areas where workers are prone to heat-related dangers. This will involve heightened inspections in industries with high risks like agriculture and construction. The implementation of these actions will complete the Heat National Emphasis Program, which was announced last…

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26Jul 23

Revised Version of Employment Eligibility Verification

On August 1, 2023, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will update Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Employers must start using the new version of Form I-9 by November 1, 2023. According to the USCIS announcement, the revised Form I-9 will: Reduce Sections 1 & 2 to a single-sided sheet; Be accessible to fill out on tablets and mobile devices; Move the Section 1 Preparer/Translator Certification to a standalone supplement to be provided to employees when necessary; Move Section 3…

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20Jul 23

The Federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Policy

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), is a new federal law that requires covered employers to provide “reasonable accommodations” to meet a worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. In most instances, it is likely that an employer has knowledge or visual confirmation of an employee's pregnancy. The solution is inexpensive, easily available, and likely minimally disruptive to the employer’s operation, not necessarily requiring the extensive interactive reasonable accommodation process mandated by the ADA. The Policy…

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18Jul 23

Louisiana Requires Leave for Genetic Testing and Cancer Screening

A new law has been created to go into effect at the beginning of August 1, 2023, in Louisiana. The new law states that most employers with 20 or more employees are required to provide one day of unpaid leave to employees for medically necessary genetic testing and preventative cancer screening. Employees must be allowed to use any accrued paid time off, such as vacation time, during their leave. Organizations such as educational institutions, nonprofits, and religious groups are exempt…

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12Jun 23

Hurricane Safety & Preparation 2023

Hurricanes and tropical storms are powerful and destructive weather events that can wreak havoc on businesses and communities. As a business owner, it is crucial to be well-prepared and prioritize the safety of your employees, customers, and assets during such events.  We created essential tips and measures to help you effectively prepare for hurricanes and tropical storms, ensuring the continuity of your business operations and the safety of all involved. 1. Develop a Comprehensive Emergency Action Plan: Create a detailed…

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