COVID-19 Update April 21, 2021

The US Department of the Treasury released more information about the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC). The deadline for using this credit on 2020 tax filings is May 17th, so we encourage all who are eligible to let us know ASAP if you need Delta’s help with this. In addition to claiming tax credits for 2020, small businesses should consider their eligibility for the ERTC in 2021 – the credit is now even more generous due to provisions in the American Rescue Plan. The ERTC is now available for all four quarters of 2021, up to $7,000 per quarter. Our team is here to answer any questions you have on this.

Furthermore, the SBA has released its application for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. To learn more and find out if you’re eligible, click here. Thanks to Polly from the Avenue Pub for passing this info along for the rest of our hospitality clients.

If you are a multi-location employer, you should be following the changes to city/state paid sick leave laws very closely. After the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) expired, along with its mandate for employers to provide paid sick leave, state and local lawmakers stepped in to fill the gap. Each state has different rules about who is covered, the reasons leave can be used, the rate at which employees accrue paid leave, and the waiting periods before paid sick leave can be used. Many local jurisdictions have their own paid-sick-leave laws that offer more generous benefits than the state law or are in locations without a statewide law. SHRM released this interactive map that shows state-by-state paid sick leave laws.

Lastly, COVID-19 may eventually go away, but the challenges it has created and will continue to create for employers won’t. Managing a workforce in these troubling times will remain difficult. Here are 7 issues to consider before your company requires the vaccination, along with 6 burning COVID-19-related legal questions for 2021.

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