As we approach the new year, it's crucial to stay informed about the latest developments…
COVID-19 Update April 27, 2020
Happy Monday!
Hope you had a relaxing weekend! We have lots of clients that have received their funds for the PPP loans, and just as many others anxious to see if they make it in the next round of loans that go out starting today. It’s not an easy process and even more difficult if you do NOT get funded.
We are here to help once you do get funded.
As part of the CARES Act 2 that went into effect over the weekend, there is a set-aside for smaller lending institutions. If you are a Goldman Sachs 10ksb alumni, there is a special fund setup through the local team at Goldman Sachs (download below). Please reach out to David Payton or Sheila Dickerson for specifics. If you need their contact info please let me know.
Today’s Attachments:
Safe at Work – the Louisiana Business community has put together a framework to share with the state of suggestions on how to get back to work safely.
FAQ for Navigating I-9 – new guidelines for dealing with I-9s during these changing times from the Department of Homeland Security.
Feds Issue Warning for Employers – New Guidance for recipients of PPP loans showing the potential pitfalls.
Virtues and Vices of Voluntary Attendance – interesting article on voluntary attendance policies in the COVID-19 era.
Goldman Sachs Info – this is the detail of the new loans that are available through Goldman Sachs.
Have a great week!