COVID-19 Update August 5, 2020

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Although Congress is due for a 4-week recess returning in September, both the house and the senate have stated that they will not break until this next round of stimulus bills have passed and signed into law. Protection for employers from COVID-19-related litigation is a major point of contention, with many Republicans supporting a liability shield and Democrats opposing the measure.

Please tune into our webinar tomorrow at 3 PM CST to find out what we know about the current state of progress towards the new legislation. We will also provide a refresher on how to deal with COVID-19 claims as it pertains to the latest regulations for small businesses, and will be available for questions about the 20 new FAQ’s related to the deferral of federal taxes under FFCRA and the Cares Act recently posted by the IRS.

Furthermore, for those of you still confused about the recent ruling from a New York federal judge who struck down part of the FFCRA, it pertains only to healthcare workers, deeming a portion of the statute inconsistent with the Department of Labor’s (DOL) verdicts. If that doesn’t clear things up for you, feel free to reach out to our team directly.

Lastly, McKinsey & Co. released some interesting findings on the effect of job seekers’ perceptions on inclusivity. Nearly forty percent of respondents said they have turned down or decided not to pursue a job because of the company’s seeming lack of diversity. Let us know how Delta can help you address any shortcomings for a more inclusive workplace culture.

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